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Price Information收費標準


Our Fees護理師公會收費標準
  • Cost is based on Taiwan of Nurses Association
    08:00-16:00 每小時460元
    08:00-16:00 NT460 / per hour
    16:00-24:00 每小時 470元
    16:00-24:00 NT470 / per hour
    24:00-08:00 每小時520元
    24:00-08:00 NT520 / per hour
  • 特別護士可依照案家的需求,調整8-12H上下班時間
    *Minimum working hour is at least 8 hours per day andover 12 hours.
    Working shift schedule is flexible based on your needs.
    一個特護一天派班時間,最少 8 小時,最多 12 小時
    *The hourly rate is doubled during Chinese New Year.
  • 除夕~初五 春節陪同照護,雙倍薪資
    *The hourly rate is doubled if travel abroad.
    出國 陪同照護,雙倍薪資

    * If daily working hours doesexceed 8 overs, it is still considered as 8 hours of charge.

    *The hourly rate is 1.5 times if it’s a typhoon day-off declared by the government.